• Paul Offit Posted 9 years ago under Uncategorized


    Dr. Paul Offit may be the most widely quoted promoter, defender and apologist for the vaccine industry today. Known for his “RotaTeq” rotavirus vaccine (and its patent) and his knowledge about immune response, Offit was honored with award by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases and recognized by the illustrious Bill Gates during one of   Full article…

  • Paul Offit Posted 9 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]EducationEmploymentAcademicConventional MedicineControversyRotaTeqAttacks Against the Anti-Vaccination Movement and ExemptionsSources Dr. Paul Offit, sometimes called Dr. Profit by his detractors, serves on the board of The American Council on Science and Health, and is well known in the media as an outspoken supporter of vaccines and of the elimination of the rights of parents to make   Full article…

  • Steven Novella MD Posted 7 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]Pseudo-Skeptic Movement is really just propaganda and character assassinations of anyone who questions chemical-based medicine and GMOsA conglomeration of shills, charlatans, hucksters and hacks have one thing in common – pushing anything that contains chemicalsNovella wildly off base and completely uneducated when talking about vaccines and autismSteven Novella is co-founder of the New England   Full article…

  • Stephen Barrett (Quackwatch) Posted 8 years ago under Uncategorized


    Retired psychiatrist and author of Quackwatch, a mission to slam holistic medicine and call it all “quack” medicine, has been officially declared by the US Court System to be “Biased, and unworthy of credibility.” Stephen Joel Barrett, born in 1933, also co-founded the NCAHF – National Council Against Health Fraud, which, again, is a front   Full article…

  • The New York Times Posted 9 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]The NYT criticized in 2001 for minimizing reports during Holocaust:NYT claims spam attack, then apologizes for spamming its entire email list The Pulitzer prize-grabbing New York Times or “NYT” began as the New-York Daily Times in 1851. A Whig Party member by the name of Henry Jarvis Raymond, politician and journalist, founded the paper,   Full article…

  • Dr. David H. Gorski a.k.a. “ORAC” aka “Respectful Insolence” Posted 9 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]As the Health Ranger and Editor of Natural News recently described the slick, sneaky and insidious Gorski:“Wikipedia discredits itself by granting Gorski editorial control” aka “ORAC” blogging icon/gravatar Vaccine industry front man, spokesperson and ultimate apologist for the blogosphere, David H. Gorski, a.k.a. (pen name) ORAC, leads the pack in his efforts to obscure   Full article…

  • CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Posted 9 years ago under Uncategorized

    The CDC is a for-profit corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet with a “mission and vision” – – as stated on their website – – that the “CDC works to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S.” As a health protection agency, the CDC is supposed to save   Full article…

  • Dr. David H. Gorski aka “ORAC” aka “Respectful Insolence” Posted 9 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]As the Health Ranger and Editor of Natural News recently described the slick, sneaky and insidious Gorski:“Wikipedia discredits itself by granting Gorski editorial control”   aka “ORAC” blogger icon/gravatar Vaccine industry front man, spokesperson and ultimate apologist for the blogosphere, David H. Gorski, a.k.a. (pen name) ORAC, leads the pack in his efforts to   Full article…

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