ARTICLES UNDER "Conspiracies"

  • John McCarter Posted 5 years ago under Bias, Conspiracies, Fake News


    John W. McCarter (born March 2, 1938) is an American executive whose long career covers various leadership positions in government, business, and public purpose organizations. He earned his degree in Public and International Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University. He then went on to attend the London School of Economics from 1960   Full article…

  • Michael Hayden Posted 5 years ago under Bias, Conspiracies


    Michael Hayden (born March 17, 1945) is a retired four-star general and the highest-ranking military intelligence officer in the country. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He acquired his Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Duquesne University in 1967 where he proceeded to get his Master of Arts in modern American History. During his   Full article…

  • American Enterprise Institute Posted 5 years ago under Bias, Conspiracies, Government, Politics, Research


    The American Enterprise Institute was established in 1943, right in the middle of World War II, as a response to proposals by the congress to make wartime price and production controls permanent. It describes itself as an institution “dedicated to defending human dignity, expanding human potential, and building a freer and safer world.” However, many   Full article…

  • 911: The Greatest Lie Ever Sold Posted 9 years ago under Conspiracies


         911 : The Greatest Lie Ever Sold is a film by film maker and activist Anthony J. Hilder. It deals with the what happened on that day when thousands of Americans and others lost their lives due to what appears to be an inside job. Hilder presents the FACTS as they are, and asks   Full article…

  • Mystery Schools Posted 10 years ago under Conspiracies, Education, Government, History


    Contents [Hide]Reflection on the Evolution of the Mystery SchoolsReferencesSuggested readingNote Reflection on the Evolution of the Mystery Schools “All that glitters is not gold”: Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice The same is particularly true of the published histories of alchemy, esotericism and much of the related information regarding the mystery schools planted on the web   Full article…

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