ARTICLES UNDER "journalists"

  • What is NewsGuard? Posted 5 years ago under Bias, Fake News, Technology, Truth, Truth Activists


    NewsGuard is a non-partisan news-rating system launched by longtime journalists and media entrepreneurs Steven Brill and Louis Gordon Crovitz. The $6 million project was created to address the “fake news crisis” by hiring 40-60 trained journalists to review various news sites that are most accessed and shared in the United States. Following a questionable arbitration   Full article…

  • Knight Foundation Posted 5 years ago under Bias, Fake News


    Contents [Hide]Knight Foundation shelling out thousands of dollars to a disgraced “journalist”The backlash The Knight Foundation is a non-profit organization whose aim is “to promote excellence in journalism.” It was formed by the Knight brothers, John S. and James L. Knight (Jack and Jim) in Florida in 1950. Before the foundation was formed, the Knight brothers   Full article…

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