ARTICLES UNDER "disinformation"

  • John McCarter Posted 5 years ago under Bias, Conspiracies, Fake News


    John W. McCarter (born March 2, 1938) is an American executive whose long career covers various leadership positions in government, business, and public purpose organizations. He earned his degree in Public and International Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University. He then went on to attend the London School of Economics from 1960   Full article…

  • Steven Brill Posted 5 years ago under Bias, Fake News, Mainstream Media

    Contents [Hide]“I like to write about stuff I know nothing about”Becoming a “journalism icon”Connecting people with “trustworthy news” NewsGuard co-CEO Steven Brill is an American journalist and author, best known for being the Founder of Court TV and the Yale Journalism Initiative. The self-proclaimed expert of “good media business and journalism practices” is lauded by   Full article…

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