• American Enterprise Institute Posted 5 years ago under Bias, Conspiracies, Government, Politics, Research


    The American Enterprise Institute was established in 1943, right in the middle of World War II, as a response to proposals by the congress to make wartime price and production controls permanent. It describes itself as an institution “dedicated to defending human dignity, expanding human potential, and building a freer and safer world.” However, many   Full article…

  • NewsGuard Posted 6 years ago under Research, Technology


    Contents [Hide]NewsGuard calls all real news fake and all fake news realNewsGuard just another cog in the cullFake News began nearly a century ago, long before there was ever any World Wide WebNewsGuard is the ultimate fake news propaganda platform chock full of pseudo-journalists who claim their goal is “fighting fake news”Facebook simpletons prepare for   Full article…

  • Epigenetics Posted 10 years ago under Education, History, Research, Science


    Contents [Hide]EpigeneticsWhat is Epigenetics?Evolution of working models of evolutionGenetics a casualty of the Cold WarThe epigenetic implication of a recent nicotine pathology inheritance studyPandora’s epigenetic box has been openedThe implication for homeopathyPostscriptEssential Bibliography Inheritance, Chronic Disease, and Epigenetics Epigenetics Currently, one of the biological sciences’ hottest topics now emerging into the public domain is Epigenetics.   Full article…

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