ARTICLES UNDER "Uncategorized"

  • Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]AwardsReferences Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs is a film by Jeffrey M. Smith that warns about the dangers of GM foods. It features Gary Null , Jeffrey M. Smith, Vandana Shiva?, Ronnie Cummins, Shiv Chopra, Michael Antoniou, Rima Laibow, Bruce Lipton?, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Arpad Pusztai?. Awards FILM AWARDS &   Full article…

  • Ralph Fucetola Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]Reference Ralph Fucetola is Counsel and Trustee to The Natural Solutions Foundation and The US Independent. As a lawyer he has specialized in the Nutrient and Alternative Health fields. Reference Council and Trustee to Natural Solutions Rev. Ralph Fucetola, JD. US Independent

  • Dr. Rima Laibow Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]PsychologyActivism workRecent activityReferfences (Intro)References (Psychology)References (Activism work)References (Recent activity) ‘Rima E. Laibow‘ (born September 30, 1943) is a medical editor, activist, author and film producer from Hudson, New York. She is the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation. She graduated from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1970. During her medical training she   Full article…

  • Welcome to Truth Wiki Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Thanks for adding me!!

  • GMO Dangers, opinion Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Wheat was gradually modified years ago so that now it contains about three times the amount of Gluten it once did. This is important to know for those sensitive to or who may become sensitive to Gluten. This is why more people are reacting to wheat and wheat products with allergies, IBS, Crohn’s, etc. The   Full article…

  • Myopia Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]Additional Sources: Myopia, or nearsightedness, is not inherited but is caused by excessive reading and other close work. After doing prolonged close work, the focusing muscle inside the eye locks up into a state of near focus. Over time this leads to permanent nearsightedness, an abnormal lengthening of the eye. The “distance” or “minus”   Full article…

  • Corruption in Scotland 2 Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    from http://robertgreensblog-holliegreigcampaign.blogspot.com/ Supporters of Hollie have contacted me today to express their outrage of Elish Angiolini being the guest of Kirsty Young on Radio 4`s Desert Island Discs yesterday. What is worse, Angiolini was uncritically portrayed as a noble champion of rape victims. Nothing could be further from the truth. Radio 4 is repeating the   Full article…

  • Corruption in Scotland Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Scottish Government Cover Up of Hollie Greig Part 1 – How it all came to light Saturday, 13 March 2010 12:26 Added by PT Editor maysaa jarour E-mail Print PDF UK, March 13, 2010 (Pal Telegraph) – I have decide to reveal the Hollie Greig’s story in fine detail so that you the public can   Full article…

  • Canola Oil: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Corn oil comes from corn: sunflower oil from sunflowers, sesame oil from sesame seeds, peanut oil from peanuts, olive oil from olives, Canola oil from…Canolas? What is a Canola? And why is the word “Canola” capitalized? Canola is an engineered plant developed in Canada. The oil is derived from the rapeseed plant (an excellent insect   Full article…

  • Garlic Posted 10 years ago under Food, Health, Natural ingredients, Nutrition, Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]DescriptionHistoryWhat’s New and Beneficial About GarlicWHFoods RecommendationsHealth BenefitsCardiovascular BenefitsAnti-Inflammatory Benefits Across Body SystemsAntibacterial and Antiviral BenefitsCancer PreventionGarlic and Iron MetabolismHow to Select and StoreTips for Preparing and CookingThe Healthiest Way of Cooking GarlicHow to EnjoyIndividual ConcernsNutritional ProfileIn-Depth Nutritional ProfileNature’s antibioticAll the benefits, no side effectsList of health benefitsRich in allicinAdditional disease preventionCardiovascular benefitsThe best   Full article…

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