ARTICLES UNDER "Uncategorized"

  • Vitamin B3 – Niacin Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]Vitamin B3 deficiencyPellagraInteractions with medicationsOther warningsSources: Vitamin B3 (niacin, niacinamide, and nicotinic acid) works with other B vitamins to change carbohydrates into glucose and to metabolize proteins and fats. B3 is also an important dietary antioxidant.  B3 lowers LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, raises HDL cholesterol, reduces hardening of the arteries, and reduces the risk of   Full article…

  • Dates Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]TaxonomyDescriptionDistributionNutritional InformationCommercial CultivationDiseases, Pests, Predators Dates are a versatile and delicious fruit. Eaten plain, stuffed, or used in a recipe, dates provide a wide variety of nutritional benefits. One use that is growing in popularity is substituting date sugar (finely ground dehydrated dates) for other sweeteners in recipes. (1) Dates provide a healthy source   Full article…

  • Medical Kidnapping Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]Sources Medical kidnapping has become a growing phenomenon over the past decade or so. Done in the name of ‘the best interest of the child’, states and hospitals are taking children away from their parents in order to force treatments, vaccines, or tests on children. The rights of parents to make medical decisions for   Full article…

  • Turmeric Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]TurmericTaxonomyKnown predatorsEtymologyHealth BenefitsA Potent, Yet Safe Anti-InflammatoryAn Effective Treatment for Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseRelief for Rheumatoid ArthritisHelp for Cystic Fibrosis SufferersCancer PreventionInhibits Cancer Cell Growth and MetastasesTurmeric and Onions May Help Prevent Colon CancerReduce Risk of Childhood LeukemiaCardiovascular ProtectionProtection against Alzheimer’s DiseaseCurcumin Crosses Blood-Brain Barrier, May Help Prevent Alzheimer’s DiseaseTurmeric Boosts Amyloid Plaque Clearance in   Full article…

  • Lettuce Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]Crisphead LettuceOther vareties of crisphead lettuce includeButterhead, Boston or BibbRomaine or CosLooseleaf Lettuce Lettuce is believed to be indigenous to the Mediterranean and Asia. When the flesh is broken a somewhat creamy white liquid is typically shown inside the flesh, this is how lettuce gets its’ scientific name Lactuca sativa, as lactuca comes from   Full article…

  • Immune System Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]Barriers to InvadersNon-specific Response–The Innate Immune SystemSpecific Response–Adaptive Immunity Every moment of every day your immune system remains on high alert, fighting off foreign invaders and protecting the homeland, your body. This highly complex system includes many parts of the bodytissues, organs, cellsand it not only fights the good fight, it retains a memory   Full article…

  • Iceberg Lettuce Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]DiseasesPests Iceberg lettuce is a lettuce that resembles cabbage but with a bland taste and only a tiny fraction of the nutrition that can be found in cabbage. For nearly a hundred years iceberg lettuce has remained the most popular lettuce in the US. It is still the most commonly eaten lettuce by Americans,   Full article…

  • Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]Foods rich in vitamin B2Vitamin B2 deficiencyInteractions with medicationsOther warnings Vitamin B2 ( riboflavin) works with other B vitamins to change carbohydrates into glucose and to metabolize proteins and fats. In fact,  B6 and B9 require B2 in order function properly. B2 helps make red blood cells and incorporate iron into red blood cells.   Full article…

  • Vitamin B5 Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]Foods rich in vitamin B5Vitamin B5 deficiencyInteractions with medicationsSupplementation Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is in nearly every food, therefore a B5 deficiency is extremely rare. B5 , like the other B vitamins, works helps to change carbohydrates into glucose and to metabolize proteins and fats. B5 helps to lower triglycerides and is crucial to   Full article…

  • Hypnosis is a Powerful Tool to Create Positive Changes Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    “What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Napolean Hill It is almost February. How are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions? If you’ve been successful, congratulations! If not, why not try hypnosis, an effective, scientifically proven tool to help you reach your goals? Hypnotherapy works. Quite simply, hypnosis is a deep   Full article…

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