• Barack Hussein Obama – 44th President of the USAPosted 8 years ago under Uncategorized

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    1. Barack Obama doubled the US debt for every citizen while putting 12 million more people on food stamps and catapulting 7 million more into poverty
    2. Obama seized control of all land, labor, food and resources through his executive orders NDAA and National Defense Resources Preparedness
    3. Obama pushed major hoaxes and propaganda to rob the American people of their wealth and livelihood: Global warming, disease epidemics, domestic terrorism and race-baiting hatred
    4. The Washington Post regurgitates Obama's propaganda and the lies perpetuated by the chemical agriculture giant–Monsanto
    5. Obama pushed through the Dark Act–blocking GMO labeling nationwide, even though 90% of Americans want GMOs labeled
    6. The dreaded Affordable Care Act was a dismal failure for most Americans
    7. Obama minced words about ending war in the Middle East
    8. Many Americans believe several mass shootings on US soil were "staged" to propagandize gun control initiatives
    9. Obama attempted a Soviet-style overthrow of the United States
    10. Obama distracted Americans from everything that really matters
    11. Obama was the king of disinformation, deception and the art of subversion
    12. Former Soviet-era deception expert Yuri Bezmenov laid out a blueprint for communist subversion. Watch his lecture in the video below.
    13. Relentless war, gun grabbing schemes, massively expensive healthcare, green-lighting GMOs, and persecuting whistleblowers – all signatures of the Obama 8-year regime
    14. Obama's USDA attempted to downplay the risks of GM alfalfa
    15. The end of Obama's "reign of terror" and massive land grab era

    Barack Hussein Obama was the first President in US history to be engaged in war every single day during his eight year reign. Obama managed to double the already enormous US debt from approximately $10 trillion to $20 trillion, after criticizing George W. Bush and calling him “unpatriotic” and careless for increasing the debt from $5 trillion to $10 trillion during his 8 year regime. Obama claims to be a Protestant Christian, but his father and step father found little to no use for religion, being totally detached from anything spiritual. In fact, his father was a confirmed atheist.

    Obama also attended a church where the pastor told his congregation that blacks should never sing “God Bless America” but rather “God damn America.” Reverend Jeremiah Wright was Obama’s pastor for 20 years at Trinity United Church of Christ on Chicago’s south side, and Wright even admitted that the US brought on the September “9/11 attacks” with its own terrorism. Still, Senator Obama (then) said, “I don’t think my church is actually particularly controversial.”

    Barack Obama doubled the US debt for every citizen while putting 12 million more people on food stamps and catapulting 7 million more into poverty

    For a man who promised transparency, cheaper healthcare, and to end the failing war in the Middle East, nothing could be further from the truth of what Obama was planning and carried out during his eight year tyranny. By crippling the US economy, Obama ensured millions more Americans would need and be approved for food stamps and welfare, thus also nearly guaranteeing tens of millions of democratic votes when he ran for a second term, and when Hillary Clinton (3) would run as his socialist successor in 2016.

    By opening the borders of America to mass illegal immigration, and then enabling illegal aliens to vote, it was all a plan for more of the same–votes to keep the communist-style Obama regime in power. Tens of millions of Americans virtually begged for bigger government that was literally stripping away their rights, all for free “stuff” coming as handouts from the police state government.

    It was all a formula for control and it’s nothing new, although many Americans would never recognize it as a mass government takeover of America and the communist subversion of a “free” country. All the while, Obama had the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) stockpiling tanks, automatic weapons and hollow-point bullets for a domestic civil war, in case America figured it all out and rose up in rebellion.

    Obama seized control of all land, labor, food and resources through his executive orders NDAA and National Defense Resources Preparedness

    2012 NDAA: The National Defense Authorization Act (5) (law) is a Nazi-style overreaching government act that allows the military to detain American citizens indefinitely without allowing them a phone call to a lawyer or relative, and also allows secret kidnappings of “suspected” terrorists, which has a very broad, vague definition, allowing the US government to virtually put anyone in jail for any reason they deem a threat to national security. This is all done unconstitutionally, without a trial. This meant no more checks and balances in America as long as the President interprets and implements his own judgment. This consolidated power for the Executive Branch at the cost of American legal and human rights.

    Later in 2012–the NDRP: President Obama issued executive order entitled, “National Defense Resources Preparedness” giving the President authority to take over all the resources in the nation, including labor, food, industry, as long as it’s done to “promote the national defense.” This was purposely extremely vague, so that Obama could seize private land, farms, food, and quarter soldiers anywhere and everywhere he so desired, leaving Americans no rights, no privacy, and completely at the mercy of anything Obama calls a threat. Again, preparation for a police-state society in Orwellian fashion was the primary objective for dictator Obama.

    In this executive order–National Defense Resources Preparedness“–with the swipe of a pen, Obama took control of all of American lives and livelihood, including the following:

    (1) Secretary of Agriculture with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer;

    (2) Secretary of Energy with respect to all forms of energy;

    (3) Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to health resources;

    (4) Secretary of Transportation with respect to all forms of civil transportation;

    (5) Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources; and

    (6) Secretary of Commerce with respect to all other materials, services, and facilities, including construction materials.

    The goal was to stockpile supplies for the US military while weakening any chance of American civilians rebelling against a rogue government. The government now had the right to march onto someone’s farm with guns drawn and demand all seeds, water, transportation, crops, livestock and farm equipment, (4) all in the name of “national defense,” even if there was no war, imminent war, or even a threat looming. This executive order, in other words, Obama could invoke even without Congress approving war. (14)

    Obama pushed major hoaxes and propaganda to rob the American people of their wealth and livelihood: Global warming, disease epidemics, domestic terrorism and race-baiting hatred

    Fake news scripted and handed down to the networks, CNN, mass media, newspapers and shill websites was one of the keys for brainwashing Americans into believing big government was working in their best interests. The most DC-scripted news in America is delivered by Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper at the king of fake news CNN (9) and via WaPo, aka WashPo or the “Washington Post(9) – the political rag of Washington DC’s dirty politics. Composed of more than 700 journalists, this daily “American” newspaper is the most widely circulated newspaper in DC, and the area’s oldest politically focused. (1)

    In 2013, it was purchased by the infamous owner of Amazon.com, one Jeff Bezos (Nash Holdings LLC) for a quarter of a billion dollars. Mostly passing along assumptions and errors that support their left wing platform, these media “overlords” fill the American mainstream minds with propaganda and striking liberal bias while advertising themselves as non-partisan in order to aid and abet the Democratic Party. Obama sought to vastly increase the size and scope of America’s central federal government, but failed to realize that more than half of America, including the working force, was waking up to the tyrannical siege of rights and freedoms that big government was confiscating by the day.

    The Washington Post regurgitates Obama’s propaganda and the lies perpetuated by the chemical agriculture giant–Monsanto

    The Washington Post is beholden to Monsanto, the giant Biotech corporation/company that keeps offices in countries even where their GMO food is banned. “WashPo” purports propaganda for genetic engineering repeatedly claiming it’s been proven safe, effective, and healthy for humans. WashPo also writes about a world “consensus” that science has agreed across the board that GMOs are beneficial and good for the environment, which is simply not true. Mountains of independent studies have proven GMOs are dangerous to human health, and that GM soy and corn causes cancers and kidney failure in lab animals.

    Obama himself opened the doors for FDA approval of nearly everything GMO, even newly experimental kinds, when he hired Michael Taylor to run the FDA as the “Food Czar.” Taylor is a former VP of Monsanto and a lobbyist in their favor. (17)

    Before Obama left his office in Washington DC for good, his Administration, along with the Clinton regime and their run for President, organized propaganda through “PropOrNot” to discredit, via the WashPo “DC rag” – all independent and alternative media sources that did not side with the extreme left and their socialistic, tyrannical brand of politics, calling over 200 websites and media outlets “fake news.” (2)

    This was all a cover story to turn the tables on what was really happening–the uncovering of CNN, WashPo, New York Times, and several other fakestream media news outlets being ousted for publishing fake stories about Trump, including the “Russian hacking” story of the election and the Russian “dossier” that was a total hoax about Trump’s sex life. Along with Buzzfeed and CNN, the Washington Post was one of Obama’s greatest media weapons to try to discredit his adversaries and assassinate their character and moral fiber. PropOrNot was later found out to be an anonymous writer with zero credibility and no other sourcing, so the fakestream media simply quoted each other as a source, having no facts and no real sourcing for their propaganda.

    Obama pushed through the Dark Act–blocking GMO labeling nationwide, even though 90% of Americans want GMOs labeled

    Absolutely revoking state mandates already in place for labeling GMOs, such as in Vermont, the “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015” was everything but safe and accurate, and Obama knew it. Since Monsanto and other biotech companies have so much money and influence in Washington DC, lobbyists were able to either payoff or brainwash (or both) politicians in Congress to vote for the DARK Act (Denying Americans the Right to Know) into place in order to let companies voluntarily label GMOs if they so chose to, which they will not, knowing Americans are already leery of genetically mutated food that contains chemical pesticides.

    Introduced by Rep. Mike Pompeo, a Republican from Kansas, the DARK Act has been condemned by clean food advocates, environmental activists and others who know GMOs pose serious health and environmental risks.

    When Obama first ran for office he said clearly that he would support GMO labeling and that Americans have the right to know what’s in their food, but like much of everything else Obama promised, it fell to the wayside or was an outright lie, just to win the office of POTUS. The DARK Act is just another gleaming example of Obama having promised one thing and then acting in the complete opposite fashion. Here’s the quote directly from Obama’s 2007 campaign speech: (6)

    “Americans should know where their food comes from. We’ll let folks know whether their food has been genetically modified, because Americans should know what they’re buying.”

    Barack Hussein Obama was the first African American to serve as President, but may have been born outside the US, as many contentions have been raised about the authenticity of his birth certificate he’s shown as originating in Hawaii. Obama went to Harvard Law School and served three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. Obama was also given the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 before accomplishing anything of merit, based simply on projections that he might do what he said he wanted to do. No person had ever received the coveted prize for something they “might do” before.

    The dreaded Affordable Care Act was a dismal failure for most Americans

    One of the only good outcomes from Obamacare, aka the “Affordable Care Act,” was that people with pre-existing conditions could get coverage, some for the first time ever. The downsides of this nightmare, unconstitutional, IRS-enforced coverage came in many forms. Most small business owners and independent business people could simply not afford the massively high premiums, and healthy people were supposed to be the main prop that funded the whole scam, by spending a fortune for insurance (most of them never need) in order to cover for insurance for people who do not take care of themselves, and are suffering from so many of the preventable diseases and disorders common to America, such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, hypertension, stokes, Parkinson’s, arthritis, osteoporosis, and more.

    Obama minced words about ending war in the Middle East

    Obama promised to pull the troops out of Iraq and end the senseless war that seemed hopeless there, but as he did, he simply doubled down on the number of troops in Afghanistan, escalating another senseless war there, where more US troops relentlessly come home severely wounded or dead. Obama was the first US president to be at war every single day of his eight year stint.

    Many Americans believe several mass shootings on US soil were “staged” to propagandize gun control initiatives

    The day after, and sometimes the very day of mass shootings, Obama was notorious for conducting press conferences demanding Americans and Congress implement gun control legislation, denying Americans their 2nd Amendment rights and trying to enforce gun-grabbing schemes to disarm all Americans of automatic long guns and semi-automatic hand guns that have clips with 10 or more shells.

    From the Aurora “Batman” theatre shooting to Sandy Hook Massacre and from the Orlando “Pulse” night club shooting to San Bernandino, every time there was any kind of mass shooting on American soil, the same coincidental occurrences took place: the story in fakestream media of a “lone shooter” when there were often more than one witnesses who saw multiple shooters, method crisis actors who appeared sometimes at different shootings for interviews even in different states, the immediate gun-grabbing press conference by Obama afterwards, and independent and alternative media facts that totally conflicted with the “official” story that fakestream mass media told.

    Obama attempted a Soviet-style overthrow of the United States

    Thanks to Obama having the mass media in his “back pocket” for 8 years, the left-wing media achieved 3 out of the 4 steps needed to literally destroy the American way of life (10) and invoke a socialist, big government regime that would have run the country communist-style for decades to come. Utilizing scripted stories via CNN, MSNBC, Hollywood, WashPo, NYT, Boston Globe, LA Times, Politifact, Forbes, Snopes, Hollywood, Disney, and certain paid, shill academics and “journo-terrorists,” Obama was able to brainwash tens of millions of Americans into believing that government handouts (mainly welfare and food stamps and sick care coverage) were the answers to easy living and democracy, even though it was the beginning of the end of the Bill of Rights, freedom of religion, freedom of press, and so many other inherent Constitutional rights.

    With the help of globalists like Bill Gates and George Soros, Obama was funding the complete dismantling of American middle class lives and businesses, while widening the gap between the filthy rich and the poor. Political correctness became a disease, “tolerance” meant intolerance, and the dreaded “snowflake” mentality became an epidemic that is still crippling millions of Americans from leading normal lives since the major election upset by Trump over Hillary Clinton.

    Obama distracted Americans from everything that really matters

    Obama literally campaigned for Hillary Clinton because she was too weak and sick, and because Obama wanted nothing less than to continue his “legacy” of the Marxist, cultural subversion and communist-style big government takeover of the US. From transgenderism to Black Lives Matter (funded by George Soros), violence became the new norm for settling differences in America, and Obama obviously wanted it just that way. (11) (13)

    Obama was the king of disinformation, deception and the art of subversion

    While distracting Americans from what really matters, like clean food, clean water, environments free from chemical agriculture and fracking, peace through sensible diplomatic relations, Obama instead assaulted Americans with radical left-wing subversives using TV, Hollywood, and films that attacked white history, the police, logic and reason. Obama basically subverted everything of value in the country while arming his DHS, EPA, (7) FDA, USDA and all regulatory agencies to the teeth with armored vehicles and automatic weapons, invoking a police state country wide.

    Obama repeatedly sent his “henchmen” to raid organic farms, natural supplement industries and business owners, raw milk farmers, the Bundy family ranchers, and anyone else who stood in the way of the Big Government takeover of US territory, food and resources.

    Former Soviet-era deception expert Yuri Bezmenov laid out a blueprint for communist subversion. Watch his lecture in the video below.

    Relentless war, gun grabbing schemes, massively expensive healthcare, green-lighting GMOs, and persecuting whistleblowers – all signatures of the Obama 8-year regime

    Several public shootings occurred on Obama’s watch, including many massacres that were highly suspect of being “staged” by the federal government in an attempt to conjure emotions of the American people that would feed into government-led gun control (gun grab) legislation (that never worked). Crisis actors appeared to be deployed conveniently to the very locations of these “massacres” the same day that government-run practice drills occurred, all coincidentally available for media coverage immediately following the shootings (and even bombings).

    These events included Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, Orlando Pulse night club, San Bernardino, (16) South Carolina church shooting, the Aurora “Batman” movie theatre massacre, and several more. In every case, there was a “lone shooter” with a “long gun” or some “terrorist” who was later discovered to have close ties to the White House or the Federal Government, in some way or another. After each incident, Obama would go live on television talking about gun control, and how the only way to stop the shootings is to disarm all Americans so nobody has guns or access to guns, especially automatic ones, except the police and the government.

    Obama’s USDA attempted to downplay the risks of GM alfalfa

    GM alfalfa, often used as feed for animals raised and prepped for slaughter for the massive meat industry of the US, was previously banned by numerous federal courts. Sick animals don’t make for good meat, and pesticide-laden alfalfa (8) infects animals’ digestive tracts, breaking down their immunity and many die in the CAFOs of America, driving up the bacteria and viruses that infect so much meat, including cows, chickens, turkeys, and pigs. (18)

    In fact, in 2007, a federal court rejected the Bush USDA’s approval of alfalfa plants genetically engineered for resistance to the Monsanto herbicide Roundup and ruled that the USDA had not properly considered the risks posed by the crop. GM alfalfa runs the risk of genetic contamination higher than even that from GM annual crops, which have been documented to spread beyond the fields they are planted in to organic fields.

    The Obama Administration was successful in distorting science and ignoring public opinion to the extent of allowing Monsanto’s GM Roundup Ready alfalfa to be planted all over the United States. Obama even appointed Tom Vilsack, a former Monsanto executive, to head the USDA in order to downplay the risks of GM alfalfa. The regulatory agencies, under Obama, were a revolving door for corporate CEOs, VPs and lobbyists who took top positions, orchestrated legislation to favor their former biotech companies, and some of whom went right back to working for those very companies and corporations. Just since the introduction of Roundup Ready GM crops 14 years ago, herbicide use has increased by over 380 million pounds.

    The end of Obama’s “reign of terror” and massive land grab era

    In 2016 alone, Obama claimed more than 260 million acres as federally-protected space, including a 100-million-acre piece of land in Alaska that’s equivalent in size to the entire state of New Mexico. In these executive “land grabs” Obama utilized the Antiquities act of 1906 more times than any other president ever, seizing more than 550 million acres of land and water (nearly 900,000 square miles or 3-times the size of Texas) and put it all under federal ownership and control. Obama placed more land and coastal areas under fed control than any other president in history.



    (1) http://www.truthwiki.org/cnn/

    (2) http://www.truthwiki.org/donald-j-trump-president-elect-usa/

    (3) http://www.truthwiki.org/hillary-clinton/

    (4) http://naturalnews.com/2017-01-11-obama-has-placed-more-land-and-water-under-federal-control-than-any-other-president-in-history.html

    (5) http://www.naturalnews.com/034560_Obama_NDAA_civil_liberties.html

    (6) http://www.naturalnews.com/050516_GMO_labeling_DARK_Act_Congress.html

    (7) http://www.naturalnews.com/054428_heavy_metals_municipal_water_supply_EPA_cover-up.html

    (8) http://www.naturalnews.com/028911_USDA_GM_crops.html

    (9) http://www.truthwiki.org/washington-post/

    (10) http://www.naturalnews.com/045217_veterans_affairs_secret_waiting_list_shredded_documents.html

    (11) http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-01-09-communist-subversion-of-america-is-nearly-complete-left-wing-media-soviet-style-overthrow-yuri-bezmenov.html

    (12) Communist subversion video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gnpCqsXE8g

    (13) http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/DemocraticDebate/story?id=4443788

    (14) http://www.naturalnews.com/035301_Obama_executive_orders_food_supply.html

    (15) http://www.naturalnews.com/053661_paramilitary_forces_federal_bureaucracy_NOAA.html

    (16) http://www.naturalnews.com/052196_active_shooter_drills_San_Bernardino_shooting_Inland_Regional_Center.html

    (17) http://www.truthwiki.org/michael-r-taylor-fda-food-czar/

    (18) http://www.cafothebook.org/thebook_myths_3.htm


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