Artificial SweetenersPosted 9 years ago under Uncategorized
High intensity sweeteners are synthetic compounds manufactured in a laboratory to contain a “sweetness profile” hundreds of times greater than that of table sugar. These compounds have been derived from questionable “agents” that are artificial and wreak havoc on the human body. Aspartame itself is over 200 times sweeter than sucrose. Most people can easily distinguish the flavor of the “fake” sugars, but some consumers just don’t care because their goal is to cut calories; however, what most consumers do NOT know is that aspartame is the “king of fake” because it is a BLEND of artificial sweeteners, including the insidious “acesulfame potassium.” It was originally sold to America under the brand name NutraSweet. The problem? Aspartame is converted by the body into formaldehyde, a known cancer-causing chemical composed of aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and METHANOL, all of which are toxic in their own right. As reported on Natural Health News and by the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, free methanol in particular is highly toxic, converting first into formaldehyde and then becoming FORMIC ACID upon consumption. (1) Here is a quote from that report:
“Unlike the methanol found in alcoholic beverages and various fruits and vegetables, the methanol produced by aspartame is not accompanied by ethanol, which acts as a protector against methanol poisoning. By itself, methanol embalms living tissues and damages DNA, and can cause lymphoma, leukemia, and other forms of cancer.”
Aspartame (Nutrasweet) promotes weight gain unrelated to caloric intake
What is NOT taught in the public school system, including colleges, is that artificial sweeteners being used in excess today cause metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Ironically, people take in these super sweeteners because they want to eat food that tastes like junk food but not pay the price of weight gain, yet look at the toll they do pay in the long run-chronic sicknesses. In fact, a study published in the journal Appetite in 2013 found aspartame is actually worse in terms of promoting weight gain than sugar. Similar research published in the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine (YJBM) found aspartame alters the body’s natural production of hormones, increasing appetite and sweets cravings.
Aspartame was invented as an ULCER DRUG by scientists working for a pharmaceutical corporation called G.D. Searle and Company, back before Monsanto acquired them in the mid-1980s. That’s when the “Great” Ronald Reagan fired the FDA commissioner and put Donald Rumsfeld’s friend and business cohort in the spot (head of FDA) to approve aspartame. It had been proven toxic for decades for that. In came the “skinny” push by every super model and advertisement on television. How would American women lose weight and look just like the six-foot-one, 130 lb. slender supermodels? Eat zero-calorie food with the new magic (ulcer drug) sweetener that’s hundreds of times sweeter than sugar!
Commercial approval of aspartame and the master “blend” of artificial sweeteners coincided with a huge onslaught of digestive disorders, cancerous tumors and a need for “affordable health care.” In fact, early safety studies conducted on the chemical compound aspartame found it causes grand mal seizures and deaths in monkeys. That researched was snuffed and blacklisted by the new FDA commissioner put in place almost directly by G.D. Searle and Company. In effect, Monsanto makes your sugar GMO (corn sugar), your salt GMO (monosodium glutamate/MSG), and your soy cancerous, and your artificial zero-calorie sweetener. Then the chemical companies make the medicine to treat the symptoms of this poisoning, but the opposite is advertised in the media, as is obvious over the last 30 years.
Aspartame known to cross the blood-brain barrier
What’s worse for health enthusiasts who are eating artificial sweeteners without the knowledge of their self-inflicted health detriment is that aspartame comes from the excrement of E. coli bacteria, which has been genetically modified. This means the E. coli bacteria has been modified with special genes that FORCE THEM to produce unnaturally and extremely high levels of a certain enzyme that in turn produces phenylalanine. There are chemically altered amino acids in the aspartame profile, so the manufacture tries to trick consumers and speak of the amino acids as being beneficial, but in this mutated, excreted, modified and chemically-altered state the synthetic sweetener does nothing but chronic damage to the human body.
Also, while on the topic of crossing the blood-brain barrier–thanks to aspartame–the brain’s cells are bombarded with an excess of calcium. The result is neural cell damage and even cell death which can lead to serious brain damage. Many of the symptoms of aspartame poisoning mimic the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) and even dementia, like Alzheimer’s. People experiencing severe muscle cramps, disorders and loss of memory or bouts of confusion should investigate their FAKE SUGAR intake for not only aspartame and acesulfame potassium, but other synthetic sweetener criminals of the food industry.
Sucralose – A chlorinated-sugar-compound and synthetic, chemical-based “non-nutritive sweetener”
Just how sweet is sucralose? – One fourth of one teaspoon substitutes for an entire cup of sugar. What does this do to the brain and tastebuds for other foods that the body needs but don’t taste even close to as sweet? It trains the brain that these foods are not the best foods to eat, and it leads to lifestyle consumption mistakes (2) that lead to cancer, diabeties and obesity. Sucralose is up to 1,000 times sweeter than table sugar. Most of sucralose is NOT broken down by the body. It is said to be three times as sweet as aspartame. Sucralose creates unstable pH conditions in the human body.
Sucralose can extend the “shelf-life” of products while suffocating mitochondria (cells) in humans. Most consumers are familiar with the brand names for sucralose which include but are not limited to Splenda, Nevella, Zerocal, Sukrana, SucraPlus, Candys, and more. Sucralose, because it is not broken down properly by the human digestive system, can remain trapped in cleansing organs, leading to cell disarray and damaged or weakened tissue that cancer cells eventually find and take over. Sucralose was discovered in the mid-1970s by researchers testing synthetics for industrial use at Queen Elizabeth College (London). Approval for eating this dangerous synthetic industrial compound as a sweetener in US food came in 1998.
April 2015: PepsiCo removes aspartame from diet drinks and replaces with other less-known poison–sucralose
Pepsi was losing business due to the truth about aspartame getting out to the masses and the oblivious “diet frenzy” consumers who still think artificial sweeteners have some benefit to their health and weight. Diet Pepsi sales were falling more than 5% and they said they were just following consumer preferences, as if people had asked to be poisoned by aspartame first, and then figured it out later and made suggestions to Pepsi, “Please make my diet soda less poisonous” might have been the premise. (3)
Sucralose manufacturers brag that it doesn’t cause tooth decay and that it’s safe for consumption by diabetics just because it doesn’t affect insulin levels, but sucralose does affect diabetics, as it affects non-diabetics and borderline diabetics–it kills off 50% of beneficial microflora in the gut, severely compromising immunity every day it is consumed by ANY consumer, regardless of weight, size, gender or “diet.” Maybe that’s why Pepsi doesn’t mind switching to another toxic non-caloric sweetener, that way they don’t have to lessen the overall toxicity of what’s already the worst health-damaging beverage anyone can consume at any time–diet soda.
2009: Duke’s sucralose study sounds alarm on the true immune system destruction and digestive nightmare caused by Splenda
In March of 2009, Duke University Medical Center (4) ran a rat study to test the digestive effects of the chemical artificial sweetener sucralose and found that it kills at least HALF of the gut’s beneficial microflora. Sucralose was also found to alter the pH and affect certain proteins in the digestive tract. This effect in humans would alter end results for chemical prescription drug and allopathic cancer treatments. It is NOT a coincidence that every hospital in America serves Splenda as a choice for sweetening coffee, tea, etc. in the sick care rooms as well as in the despicable hospital cafeterias.
Commercial sucralose, a.ka. Splenda, has been known to cause migraines, blurred vision, dizziness, allergic reactions, and of course, weight gain. Where would we be if we didn’t have zero-calorie fake sugar that makes you put on weight?
From the Abstract of the Duke Study:
Department of Pharmacology, DukeUniversityMedicalCenter, Durham, North Carolina
“Splenda is comprised of the high-potency artificial sweetener sucralose (1.1%) and the fillers maltodextrin and glucose. Splenda was administered by oral gavage at 100, 300, 500, or 1000 mg/kg to male Sprague-Dawley rats for 12-wk, during which fecal samples were collected weekly for bacterial analysis and measurement of fecal pH.”
(summary at end):
“These changes occurred at Splenda dosages that contained sucralose at 1.1-11 mg/kg (the US FDA Acceptable Daily Intake for sucralose is 5 mg/kg). Evidence indicates that a 12-wk administration of Splenda exerted numerous adverse effects, including (1) reduction in beneficial fecal microflora, (2) increased fecal pH, and (3) enhanced expression levels of P-gp, CYP3A4, and CYP2D1, which are known to limit the bioavailability of orally administered drugs.”
Sewage treatment has little-to-no effect on sucralose, so it’s in the tap water coming from municipal water supplies across America
Not only are you drinking toxic sodium fluoride (a hoax that dentists claim is good for teeth) if you drink from your tap, but you’re consuming other people’s medications and any artificial sweeteners that they consumed, digested, and urinated back into the municipal supply that DOES NOT FILTER it out for you. Sad but true. Measurements taken by the Swedish Environmental Research Institute show sewage treatment has “little effect on sucralose” – that’s present in wastewater (effluents) measurable in ppb. Sucralose has been found in natural waters. Do you own a high grade water filter to get all of this out? How much is enough to cause adverse health effects in humans? Ask the people with blurred visions, migraines, upset stomachs and half-compromised immunity. When heated over 350 degrees in metal containers sucralose can produce smoke containing dangerous polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins. Are you baking cookies on a metal cookie sheet at 350 degrees or higher?
The Duke study, which was funded by the Sugar Association, found Splenda doses between 100 and 1,000 mg/kg, containing sucralose at 1.1 to 11 mg/kg (compare to the FDA Acceptable Daily Intake of 5 mg/kg), reduced fecal microflora in rats over 50%. Another similar study linked large doses of sucralose to DNA damage in mice. In yet another study of 17 obese test subjects, sucralose affected glycemic AND insulin responses.
Sorbitol – How it’s made and the health detriment it causes in humans
Glucitol, or Sorbitol, is a sugar alcohol made from corn syrup. It is an isomer of mannitol, another sugar alcohol, that can be used as a laxative, except that it contains chemicals, often causing gastrointestinal distress by drawing water into the large intestine. Sorbitol flat out warns you not to take it without consulting a clinician, and don’t feed it to infants or the elderly, who are supposedly all immune-compromised, yet sorbitol in thousands and thousands of food products, gum, candy, and the like, sold across the nation and around the world. The manufacturers will tell you it’s naturally found in dried fruit, and that’s true, but not the kind they’re cooking up and reinserting into the food chain. Sorbitol is used in labs to brew pathogens and is also utilized in the manufacturing of softgels that store liquid medicine–how oxymoronic.
Sorbitol is found in cosmetics as a thickener and in cigarettes also as humectant. so imagine what it’s doing to your insides when you eat it, or worse, chew it in gum, where it bypasses normal digestive filters and affects the body on a more severe scale, just as sucralose is implicated. That’s why a stick of gum can be more harmful to your body than anything you eat. http://healthwyze.org/index.php/component/content/article/383-why-a-stick-of-gum-is-more-harmful-to-your-health-than-anything-that-you-eat.html (7)
If that’s not bad enough, a mixture of sorbitol and potassium nitrate is used for rocket fuel. It’s a key chemical “intermediate” for biomass fuel production. Carbohydrate fractions undergo hydrogenation to produce (the chemical reaction) sorbitol. Why does this cause blurred vision for humans? Too much sorbitol gets trapped in retinal cells of the lens and the peripheral nerves damage them.
Sorbitol is known to aggravate IBS, irritable bowel syndrome, and cause gastrointestinal issues and conditions accompanied by SEVERE abdominal pain, even from SMALL amounts. More research has found that sorbitol ingestion of just 20 grams (0.7 oz) per day as sugar-free gum has led to severe diarrhea and consuming 30 grams a day (1 oz) may require hospitalization.
Acesulfame potassium – a.k.a. “Ace K”
This calorie-free sugar substitute is marketed under the trade name Sweet One, and in the European Union – it would be known as E950. Discovered in the 1960s (supposedly on accident), Ace K is 200 times sweeter than common sugar, about the same as aspartame, but only a third as sweet as sucralose. They all leave a bitter aftertaste, except not so much with the Ace K. Kraft foods actually made something (and patented it) to mask acesulfame’s aftertaste – sodium ferulate. When you see acesulfame potassium on the ingredients label, you are also getting a BLEND of other fake-sugar food “criminals” like aspartame and sucralose.
Acesulfame K is said to be moderately acidic and safe for baking, or in products that need long shelf life, but they won’t explain why that is. They leave out the fact that when it eventually degrades, and it always does, it becomes acetoacetamide, which is toxic. You’ll find it in protein shakes, pharmaceutical products, chewing gum, chewable vitamins and medications, liquid medications, and more. They issue an “acceptable daily intake” of 15 mg/kg/day, but who’s measuring and who is really to say that’s right? Are we relying on what the manufacturer could have simply “made up” out of thin air? It all hit American dinner tables that way when it received its approval for table top use in the US back in 1988. (7)
Acesulfame Potassium may be carcinogenic and affect the nerves
Research on the effects of acesulfame K on mice (40 weeks) resulted in a moderate effect on neurometabolic function. This suggests that chronic usage of acesulfame K would alter neurological function.
Environment Canada tested water from Grand River at a few dozen sites near Lake Erie and found acesulfame was number one at evading the wastewater treatment and appears in “far higher concentrations” than sucralose or saccharin.
Saccharin - they knew it was detrimental to health since 1907
In the late 1870s, a chemist at Johns Hopkins University first produced a coal tar derivative called saccharin. Decades went by and then in 1950, scientists at the Maumee Chemical Company in Ohio figured out how to synthesize anthranilic acid with nitrous acid, sulfur dioxide, chlorine and ammonia – and that would yield saccharin–an artificial sweetener (derived from coal tar) with “no food energy” that is 400 times as sweet as table sugar. With this toxin, one can actually recognize the metallic aftertaste. The name is derived from the Greek word “gravel.” Saccharin is the cloak–the artificial ingredient that MASKS THE OTHER’S OFF TASTE when mixed with other artificial sweeteners, like aspartame, as in most diet carbonated soft drinks. It was all a trick for the diabetics, who found out later otherwise, and whom are still finding out the hard way.
Lab rats that eat coal-tar product saccharin get bladder cancer
The renowned study in the 1970s exposed saccharin as an “elevated risk” and (cancer of the bladder) cancer-causing agent, but the politics of its creation (big pharma) poured out money and media to retract and slam the study, saying the rats had some “mechanism” of creating proteins and “micro-crystals” … that’s not relevant to humans. Just as scientists attacked Seralini, the French scientist, for exposing the carcinogenicity of Monsanto’s GM corn and GM soy, all whistle-blowing studies get out, get covered up, then get memory holed, unless alternative media has record already and publishes for the health world to see and resource properly. Today we know that rats have more than 96% the same DNA as humans, and if anything, they have better immunity to toxic food agents that come in little pink packets called “Sweet’n Low”–like saccharin–so buyer beware.
In 1907, the US FDA began an investigation of saccharin as part of the “Pure Food and Drug Act.” The director of the bureau of chemistry called saccharin “an illegal substitution” by a less valuable ingredient, and he blew the whistle on the fact that people were eating a COAL TAR PRODUCT devoid of food value and in his words, “extremely injurious to health.” That’s what the director told President Theodore Roosevelt, who was using saccharin at the time, and was outraged. By 1911, foods containing saccharin were referred to as adulterated, but one year later the Food Inspection Decision said it wasn’t harmful. Today, it’s the third most popular artificial sweetener being used, trailing sucralose and aspartame. It was listed for years on California’s roster of chemicals known to cause cancer (Prop 65).
The official delisting of saccharin led to the “Sweetness Act” in December of 2000, repealing warning label requirements for products containing saccharin. Of course “Health and Human Services” carried that torch and de-listed the known carcinogen as well. Even the EPA has officially removed saccharin (and its salts) from their list of HAZARDOUS CONSTITUENTS and COMMERCIAL CHEMICAL PRODUCTS. This amazing news as of December, 2010, comes, as the EPA officially declares saccharin is NO LONGER CONSIDERED a potential hazard to human health. Magically this coal tar derivative is now good for humans to eat, and chew, and take with medicine because the science-based, evidence-based EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, changed it’s mind and now says eat saccharin again!
Purevia and Truvia (not the same as Stevia) (5)
Many consumers are in the dark about Truvia and PureVia, and wonder if they are the same thing as Stevia, a plant that grows in Brazil that naturally tastes sweet, and is dried out and is a natural, non-chemical substitute for sugar. But then you have Purevia and Truvia, which are concocted in laboratories and are combined food starch agents. Truvia is made from a food-grade starch – genetically modified corn – and is broken down by fermentation. So is it still “natural” if it’s coming from fermented Monsanto GMO corn?
Neotame, made by NutraSweet, is up to 13,000 times sweeter than table sugar
Big Food and Junk Science manufacturers LOVE Neotame because its use greatly lowers the cost of production compared to using HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) or processed or refined sugar while bragging about “empty” sugar calories on the box, plastic or aluminum wrappers. Neotame hit the “general use” shelves of America in 2002. Only corporate-sponsored studies were “conducted” to prove its safety to the FDA, which means absolutely nothing was done, but maybe some exchanged “favors” and paid vacations for politicians by lobbyists.
Gulf War Syndrome, “Multiple Chemical Sensitivity,” and “Artificial Sweetener Disease” or ASD
In 1999, Monsanto admitted that aspartame is made with GMOs. Aspartame coincidentally was implicated as a direct cause of “Gulf War Syndrome.” Gulf War syndrome was the name given to a variety of psychological and physical symptoms suffered by veterans of the Gulf War. Other various causes, of course, have been suggested; such as depleted uranium poisoning, side-effects of drugs given for protection against nerve agents, and autoimmune diseases induced by squalene, an adjuvant used in anthrax vaccines to speed up the development of anthrax immunity. And then there’s Aspartame poisoning. Large quantities of aspartame sweetened diet soft drinks were provided to Gulf War troops, often times sitting in ultra-high temperature conditions in the desert HEAT. This artificial sweetener breaks down at roughly 85 °F (29.5 °C) into formaldehyde, diketopiperazine and formic acid. The research is in. Do the math. (8)
Artificial Sweetener Disease (6) – it can be avoided
Health enthusiasts encourage everyone investigating artificial sweeteners and FAKE sugars to watch “Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World” documentary film – warning about the health hazards of consuming aspartame.
(1) http://www.naturalnews.com/045692_aspartame_chemical_sweetener_surprising_facts.html#ixzz3ugBpyrMD
(2) http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/sweet-misery-a-poisoned-world/
(3) http://www.naturalnews.com/049477_Diet_Pepsi_aspartame_sucralose.html
(4) http://www.drgangemi.com/2009/03/duke-university-study-beware-of-splenda/
(5) http://www.naturalnews.com/043163_stevia_PureVia_Truevia.html#ixzz3ug0mIsNv
(6) http://www.naturalnews.com/034378_artificial_sweetener_disease_asd_aspartame.html
(8) http://www.militaryspot.com/resources/gulf_war_syndrome/