Robert Scott BellPosted 10 years ago under Uncategorized
Robert Scott Bell, host of The Robert Scott Bell Show and in broadcast media since 1999, covers news stories in the health, political and economic worlds for two hours each day, six days a week in both radio and TV formats. His commentary crosses the political, economic and cultural divide, drawn from his 20+ years of experience in the natural health care sector, whether providing direct support to those in need or working with physicians on their toughest cases. He makes sense out of medical propaganda, taking the complex and breaking it down into forms much easier to understand. His bottom line is bringing the freedom and power to heal back to the people, where it belongs.
You will be amazed by the amount of information about healing that is kept secret from you and what you can do to learn more about it! Robert Scott Bell is a homeopathic practitioner and has served on the board of the American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists. He has a passion for health and healing unmatched by anybody in media. He personally overcame numerous chronic diseases over 24 years ago using natural healing principles and has dedicated his life to revealing the healing power within us all.
His personal website is RobertScottBell.com. You can hear him live from 7PM to 9PM Eastern Monday through Friday and 1pm to 3pm Eastern Sundays on Natural News Radio and Genesis Communications Network