NarcisscientismPosted 10 years ago under Uncategorized
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- How to identify a believer in Narccisscientism or a Narcissiscientist
- They will use rhetorical tactics to give the appearance of argument or legitimate debate, when in actuality there is none. They are not honest brokers in the debate and aren’t interested in truth, data, or informative discussion. They’re interested in their world view being the only one, and they’ll say anything to try to bring this about.
- A narcisscientist will almost always engage in online attacks using predictable tactics that can be identified almost immediately to the trained eye.
- TACTICS (usually, but not always in this order)
- Tell you that you are wrong
- Draw you into a debate about the science or lack of scientific evidence behind your claim. Any science you present will be inferior, flawed and or junk science no matter what its source.
- They will beat you to death with a prickish analysis of your lack of debating skills and try to show you their superior ability to prove you wrong by pointing out one or more of the “logical fallacies” (this is like the bible to them) they have determined are in your beliefs and statements.
- If they didn’t start off being a snide ass, eventually they will. They will call you names and insult your intelligence.
- If you happen to be prepared and well versed in your topic, they will realize at some point that they can’t baffle you with their bullshit. In order to avoid a draw or impasse, they then will go to plan B: Dismiss you as a waste of time because you are not worth their effort. Why? Because you just don’t get it and are incapable of understanding the truth.
- They will then attempt to avoid further conversation or outright block you so that you can no longer debate them. They will then claim victory in the debate and chuckle with their skepduck friends about it. They slap each other on the back and give each other something called “Quacknowledgement” or “Daffirmation”. It’s a basic need for these guys.
NARCISSCIENTISMˈ [nahr-suh sahy-uhn tiz-uh m]
1. the dogmatic endorsement of scientific methodology and the reduction of all knowledge to only that which is measurable by a person who exhibits the behavior and traits of a pathological narcissist
This term was originally coined by Hoofnagle The Science Cat
How to identify a believer in Narccisscientism or a Narcissiscientist
They will use all or any combination of the following words: Quack, Quackery, Crank, Woo or any silly variation like quackademia, crankosphere, etc. These words are specific to the Narcisscientist and is a part of their normal daily vernacular.
They will use rhetorical tactics to give the appearance of argument or legitimate debate, when in actuality there is none. They are not honest brokers in the debate and aren’t interested in truth, data, or informative discussion. They’re interested in their world view being the only one, and they’ll say anything to try to bring this about.
A narcisscientist will almost always engage in online attacks using predictable tactics that can be identified almost immediately to the trained eye.
TACTICS (usually, but not always in this order)
Tell you that you are wrong
Draw you into a debate about the science or lack of scientific evidence behind your claim. Any science you present will be inferior, flawed and or junk science no matter what its source.
They will beat you to death with a prickish analysis of your lack of debating skills and try to show you their superior ability to prove you wrong by pointing out one or more of the “logical fallacies” (this is like the bible to them) they have determined are in your beliefs and statements.
If they didn’t start off being a snide ass, eventually they will. They will call you names and insult your intelligence.
If you happen to be prepared and well versed in your topic, they will realize at some point that they can’t baffle you with their bullshit. In order to avoid a draw or impasse, they then will go to plan B: Dismiss you as a waste of time because you are not worth their effort. Why? Because you just don’t get it and are incapable of understanding the truth.
They will then attempt to avoid further conversation or outright block you so that you can no longer debate them. They will then claim victory in the debate and chuckle with their skepduck friends about it. They slap each other on the back and give each other something called “Quacknowledgement” or “Daffirmation”. It’s a basic need for these guys.