Washington PostPosted 10 years ago under Uncategorized
Composed of more than 700 journalists, this daily “American” newspaper is the most widely circulated newspaper inside the DC beltway, and the area’s oldest politically focused. In 2013, it was purchased by Jeff Bezos (Nash Holdings LLC) for a quarter of a billion dollars. Mostly passing along assumptions and errors that support their left wing platform, these media “overlords” fill the American mainstream minds with propaganda and striking liberal bias while advertising themselves as non-partisan in order to aid and abet the Democratic Party, whose goal is to vastly increase the size and scope of America’s central federal government, which is already far too broad and powerful. (1)
The Washington Post is Beholden to Monsanto
Much like Forbes.com, the Washington Post is beholden to Monsanto, the giant Biotech corporation/company that keeps offices in countries even where their GMO food is banned, not to mention all across North America (where GMO goes unlabeled) and South America. The Washington Post auspiciously purports propaganda for genetic engineering and it’s flagrantly obvious to an intelligent reader versed on the dangers of GM chemical agriculture. The entire editorial board approves and publishes Monsanto’s corporate “quack science” talking points, with the latest being their hit piece response to Chipotle’s announcement and press releases about going 100% non-GMO across their entire menu. Glyphosate, a key combination of ingredients that make up a bigger portion of Roundup herbicide, has been revealed by the World Health Organization to be suspect as carcinogenic and (probable) cancer-causing for humans, and Washington Post editors seem instructed by Monsanto to promote GMO even more, as the utter lack of balanced reporting or journalistic integrity (2) becomes more and more publicly evident.
Washington Post commits credibility suicide
The Washington Post committed “credibility suicide” in the fall of 2016 with its obviously fabricated Craig Timberg story accusing 200 independent (truth-telling) websites, including Natural News and 199 other websites, of being “fake news” sources controlled by the Russian government. The comletely discredited paper has been threatened with lawsuits now so they’ve all but admitted their entire story was fabricated by Timberg and his fake “source” that remains “anonymous” so that nothing can be verified (or proven false, as is the case).
Recently, the Washington Post added an editor’s note to the top of their story which essentially admits the Washington Post slandered and defamed all the websites by reporting false news derived from sources that even they no longer believe are even legitimate. Without offering any direct apology or retraction of their blatantly false and extremely irresponsible “fake news” story, Washington Post editors have now added an Editor’s note:
Editor’s Note: The Washington Post on Nov. 24 published a story on the work of four sets of researchers who have examined what they say are Russian propaganda efforts to undermine American democracy and interests. One of them was PropOrNot, a group that insists on public anonymity, which issued a report identifying more than 200 websites that, in its view, wittingly or unwittingly published or echoed Russian propaganda. A number of those sites have objected to being included on PropOrNot’s list, and some of the sites, as well as others not on the list, have publicly challenged the group’s methodology and conclusions. The Post, which did not name any of the sites, does not itself vouch for the validity of PropOrNot’s findings regarding any individual media outlet, nor did the article purport to do so. Since publication of The Post’s story, PropOrNot has removed some sites from its list.
The discredited fake news group “PropOrNot” was the primary (and possibly only) source for the story. The story even defamed Zero Hedge with unsubstantiated allegations.
Plus, the Washington Post goes “full treason” here and fabricates an entire story falsely claiming Trump won because of Russian hacks.
Wash Po publishes propaganda for GMO brainwashing of Americans
Washington Post goes so far as to publish propaganda that genetic engineering is the same thing as selective breeding, and every nutritionist, farmer, biologist and botanist knows this isn’t truth reporting. Spreading science illiteracy through reporting reveals quack journalism that equates to anti-science and anti-environment corporate collaboration. Selective breeding, of course, is a natural process where plants with the most desirable traits are chosen to pollinate the next generation of plants. This is how modern corn was developed over thousands of generations of breeding that began with grasses. Whereas genetic engineering, or GMO, genetically modified organisms, refers to artificially altering the genetic code of a plant by inserting genes from other life forms that kill insects or weeds that eat (or suffocate) that crop. The Washington Post is politically promoting dangerous pesticides and calling it journalism, all while trading credibility for revenue.
The Washington Post seems blindly obedient to the agenda of Monsanto, much like other mass media outlets referred to often as “lame stream media” by the Alternative and Natural News world. One of Washington Post’s obvious “sellout” points was published lately on Monsanto’s behalf:
“The promise of GMOs, already widely used in the United States, is that farmers in the developing world can use them, too, and thus feed their hungry populations at far lower cost than ever before.”
This blatant promotion of glyphosate is toxic and dangerous to consumers, and so their politics reporting might be considered the same.
Washington Post and “Mainstream Media” losing credibility by the day
Most, if not all, mainstream media is corporate-funded and full of professional liars who are controlled by their advertisers and political controllers alike. The Washington Post is a classic example of this and has been for decades. The Post’s one-sided, mindless obedience to pro-GMO, pro-Big Government (3), pro-chemotherapy and pro-vaccine agenda is numbing, even to the readers on the fence about these topics. John Nolte at Breitbart News informs us that today’s mainstream media is rife with “liars, frauds, partisans, cheats, plagiarists, and those who tolerate, defend and enable all of them.” Though the Washington Post has won several Pulitzer prizes, their push for bad science, bad food and bad politics drowns out any accomplishments, even Watergate. With no semblance of honest reporting anymore, the Post is quickly falling off as a credible source, much like the Miami Herald and the New York Times. The Washington Post’s coordinated attacks against Republicans is also in very poor taste, as evident during the 2008 election for president, and again in 2012 during Obama’s re-election scam campaign. The Post even accused Mitt Romney in May of 2012 of being a homophobic bully when he was in high school. The Post’s editors secretly made changes to it later. (4) This story coincidentally popped up when Obama did his flip-flop on the gay marriage issue. This corporate propaganda and the media witch hunts are all scripted and handed down to the Post as mandatory disinformation campaigns to be followed to the T’s, or advertising revenue will suffer.
Unfortunately for them, readership is suffering and the bottom is falling out for mainstream media shills like the editors and writers for the Washington “White House” and “Monsanto” Post.
Washington Post partners with China’s Communist Government and Advertises their Propaganda
On top of promoting genetically modified crops as food and the political investments of bureaucrats in DC, the Post seems to have a cozy partnership with the Chinese government and their propaganda via the Post’s “China Watch” publication, which is available in print and online. This is supposed to be news about China, but the site hosts articles that cross ethical boundaries and mislead the readers about human rights there and other important issues at hand, according to journalism experts.
This paid supplement to the Post features their official masthead, so there’s no denying they control (and filter) the information (5). Most readers are beginning to question this auspicious relationship the Post has with China, a Communist government being supported by this sponsored publication called “China Watch” that’s obviously obfuscating its origins. Still, just like China, the USA mainstream media is government controlled, so the surprise may be just reserved for the ignorant. It’s not some “in-depth” innocent reporting, but rather the publication is inundated with Chinese government propaganda, thus further towing the Communist party line on all kinds of issues, including economical and political, with an end game (under the guise of advertising) of leading readers to wind up on the China Daily website, which is heavily regulated by Communist Party censors (6).
The Washington Post claims they don’t mind these viewpoints as long as they’re “clearly labeled” as such. One must wonder then does this “labeling” also entail the Communist government dictating and altering transcripts of interviews. The separation of content and advertising is a gray area, to say the least. It might just run afoul of the FARA – the Foreign Agents Registration Act that stipulates general guidelines about labeling political propaganda. Would it be fair to say the Washington Post then could advertise Nazi propaganda (if it was still prominent) and support lobbying as long as they keep it separated from their content and their “belief” platform for news? This is uncharted legal terrain the Post is flirting with here. (7)
The Washington post is not much more than an American newspaper that’s an advocate for pesticide food and a foreign (economic giant) rival, and that is way over the line, according to a number of journalists and media experts questioning the ethics and legalities of this news outlet that got famous for breaking the Watergate scandal way back in 1974 that led to the resignation of President Nixon.
(1) http://freebeacon.com/issues/beijing-on-the-potomac/
(6) http://www.naturalnews.com/035347_Washington_Post_China_propaganda.html#ixzz3cIEz0uug
(7) http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/more-college-rape-hype-time-washington-post_972536.html
(9) http://www.naturalnews.com/2016-12-07-washington-post-admits-fake-news-propornot-source-defamation-craig-timberg.html