ARTICLES UNDER "mainstream news"

  • Steven Brill Posted 6 years ago under Bias, Fake News, Mainstream Media

    Contents [Hide]“I like to write about stuff I know nothing about”Becoming a “journalism icon”Connecting people with “trustworthy news” NewsGuard co-CEO Steven Brill is an American journalist and author, best known for being the Founder of Court TV and the Yale Journalism Initiative. The self-proclaimed expert of “good media business and journalism practices” is lauded by   Full article…

  • NewsGuard Posted 6 years ago under Research, Technology


    Contents [Hide]NewsGuard calls all real news fake and all fake news realNewsGuard just another cog in the cullFake News began nearly a century ago, long before there was ever any World Wide WebNewsGuard is the ultimate fake news propaganda platform chock full of pseudo-journalists who claim their goal is “fighting fake news”Facebook simpletons prepare for   Full article…

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